
interface RoadRunnerDrive

Interface for access methods in RoadRunner drive classes, such as MecanumDrive and TankDrive.


Lucas Bubner, 2023





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abstract fun cancelTrajectory()
Abort the current trajectory.
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abstract fun followTrajectory(trajectory: Trajectory)
Follow a trajectory.
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abstract fun followTrajectoryAsync(trajectory: Trajectory)
Follow a trajectory asynchronously.
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abstract fun followTrajectorySequence(trajectorySequence: TrajectorySequence)
Follow a trajectory sequence.
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abstract fun followTrajectorySequenceAsync(trajectorySequence: TrajectorySequence)
Follow a trajectory sequence asynchronously.
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open fun getAccelerationConstraint(maxAccel: Double): TrajectoryAccelerationConstraint
Get an acceleration constraint for the drive.
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Get the drive constants related to this drive.
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abstract fun getExternalHeading(): Double
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abstract fun getLastError(): Pose2d
Get the last reported pose error from the drive.
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abstract fun getLocalizer(): Localizer
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abstract fun getMotorPowers(): Array<Double>
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abstract fun getPoseEstimate(): Pose2d
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abstract fun getPoseVelocity(): Pose2d
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Get the attached TrajectorySequenceRunner for this drive.
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open fun getVelocityConstraint(maxVel: Double, maxAngularVel: Double, trackWidth: Double): TrajectoryVelocityConstraint
Get a velocity constraint for the drive.
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abstract fun getWheelPositions(): List<Double>
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abstract fun getWheelVelocities(): List<Double>
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abstract fun isBusy(): Boolean
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abstract fun setDrivePower(drivePower: Pose2d)
Set a drive power.
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abstract fun setDriveSignal(driveSignal: DriveSignal)
Set a drive velocity and/or acceleration target.
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abstract fun setExternalHeading(value: Double)
Assert the heading of the robot.
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abstract fun setLocalizer(localizer: Localizer)
Set the new localizer to use.
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abstract fun setMode(runMode: DcMotor.RunMode)
Set the run mode of all motors.
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abstract fun setMotorPowers(powers: Array<Double>)
Set the motor powers for each motor on this drive.
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abstract fun setPIDFCoefficients(runMode: DcMotor.RunMode, coefficients: PIDFCoefficients)
Set the PIDF coefficients for the drive motors.
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abstract fun setPoseEstimate(value: Pose2d)
Assert the position of the robot.
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abstract fun setRotationPriorityWeightedDrivePower(drivePowerRotationPriority: Pose2d)
Set a drive power with axial weights.
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abstract fun setWeightedDrivePower(drivePower: Pose2d)
Set a drive power with axial weights.
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abstract fun setZeroPowerBehavior(zeroPowerBehavior: DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior)
Set the zero power behaviour of all motors.
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abstract fun stop()
Stop the drive immediately.
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abstract fun trajectoryBuilder(startPose: Pose2d): TrajectoryBuilder
abstract fun trajectoryBuilder(startPose: Pose2d, reversed: Boolean): TrajectoryBuilder
abstract fun trajectoryBuilder(startPose: Pose2d, startHeading: Double): TrajectoryBuilder
Get a trajectory builder for the drive.
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abstract fun trajectorySequenceBuilder(startPose: Pose2d): TrajectorySequenceBuilder
Get a trajectory sequence builder for the drive.
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abstract fun turn(angle: Double)
Turn the drive.
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abstract fun turnAsync(angle: Double)
Turn the drive asynchronously.
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abstract fun update()
Update the drive with latest motor powers and odometry.
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abstract fun updatePoseEstimate()
Update the pose estimate of the drive.
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Set a remembered pose from memory in another OpMode.
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abstract fun waitForIdle()
Run current trajectory blocking until it is complete.