
open class DriveConstants

RoadRunner constants that define robot intrinsics for use with any RoadRunner drive. These constants are constructed per robot with a builder pattern.




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open class Builder
Builder class to assist in making DriveConstants.


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open var admissibleError: Pair<Pose2d, Double>
The admissible error and timeout for the attached PIDVA trajectory follower.
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open var GEAR_RATIO: Double
The gear ratio of the motor.
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open var kA: Double
Feedforward kA gain for the velocity PID.
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open var kStatic: Double
Feedforward kStatic gain for the velocity PID.
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open var kV: Double
Feedforward kV gain for the velocity PID.
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open var MAX_ACCEL: Double
The maximum acceleration of the robot in inches per second squared.
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The maximum angular acceleration of the robot in radians per second squared.
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The maximum angular velocity of the robot in radians per second.
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open var MAX_RPM: Double
The maximum RPM of the motor.
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open var MAX_VEL: Double
The maximum velocity of the robot in inches per second.
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open var MOTOR_VELO_PID: PIDFCoefficients
The PIDF coefficients for the motor velocity PID.
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Set RUN_USING_ENCODER to true to enable built-in hub velocity control using drive encoders.
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The number of ticks per revolution of the motor's output shaft.
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The track width is the distance between the left and right wheels on the robot (inches).
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The radius of the wheel in inches.


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Convert encoder ticks to wheel distance in inches.
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open fun getMotorVelocityF(ticksPerSecond: Double): Double
Get the motor velocity feedforward gain.
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open fun rpmToVelocity(rpm: Double): Double
Convert motor RPM to wheel velocity in inches per second.