
RoadRunner trajectory sequence runner.




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constructor(@Nullable telemetry: DualTelemetry, driveConstantsRunUsingEncoder: Boolean, follower: TrajectoryFollower, headingPIDCoefficients: PIDCoefficients, voltageSensor: VoltageSensor, lastDriveEncPositions: List<Integer>, lastDriveEncVels: List<Integer>, lastTrackingEncPositions: List<Integer>, lastTrackingEncVels: List<Integer>)
Create a new trajectory sequence runner.


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FtcDashboard activity color for trajectory segments.
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FtcDashboard activity color for turn segments.
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FtcDashboard activity color for wait segments.
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FtcDashboard inactivity color for trajectory segments.
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FtcDashboard inactivity color for turn segments.
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FtcDashboard inactivity color for wait segments.
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open val lastPoseError: Pose2d
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The maximum number of poses to store in the history.


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open fun cancelTrajectory()
Abort the current trajectory sequence.
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Follow a trajectory sequence asynchronously.
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open fun isBusy(): Boolean
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open fun update(poseEstimate: Pose2d, poseVelocity: Pose2d): DriveSignal
Update the trajectory sequence runner.