
open class Builder

Builder class to assist in making DriveConstants.


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Begin building a new DriveConstants object.


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open fun build(): DriveConstants
Finalise your configuration.
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open fun setAdmissibleError(admissibleError: Pose2d, admissibleTimeout: Double): DriveConstants.Builder
Set the admissible error for the PIDVA controller for trajectory following.
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Set the gear ratio of the drive motors
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Set the kA feedforward gain for the velocity PID.
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Set the kStatic feedforward gain for the velocity PID.
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Set the kV feedforward gain for the velocity PID.
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Set the maximum acceleration of the robot.
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Set the maximum angular acceleration of the robot.
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Set the maximum angular velocity of the robot.
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Set the maximum RPM of the motor.
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Set the maximum velocity of the robot.
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open fun setMotorVeloPID(motorVeloPID: PIDFCoefficients): DriveConstants.Builder
Set the motor velocity PID coefficients.
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Set whether to run using the encoder.
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Set the number of ticks per revolution of the motor's output shaft.
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Set the track width of the robot.
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Set the wheel radius of the drive motors.