
abstract class RoadRunnerTuningOpMode : LinearOpMode

Utility OpMode you will extend to enable an OpMode to tune your RoadRunner coefficients and parameters. This uses Telemetry to show a menu of tuning options, with static fields being adjusted here, essentially collecting all RoadRunner tuning into one OpMode. You may choose to run the OpModes yourself as they consume the instances you provide, but using this class makes it more straightforward and has built-in dashboard tuning. It is not recommended you run the tuning OpModes yourself, and instead run them using this class.

To use this class, extend it, supply an appropriately configured instance of your base RoadRunnerDrive (not the BunyipsLib version), and ensure the localizer you wish to use has been set for it. Then, treat is like a normal OpMode (TeleOp annotation). You can adjust all the constants used in testing via FtcDashboard under RoadRunnerTuning.

Telemetry is mirrored between FtcDashboard and the Driver Station using a DualTelemetry instance, the same used in BunyipsOpMode. It is not required that a Driver Station be active for tuning.

To look at details of a tuning process, you can find them attached to the classes under the ./opmodes package, and by applying the tuning process for RoadRunner v0.5.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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Feedforward coefficient automated calculation to get a general idea of the FF coefficients, not fully accurate.
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Follower PID test (moves forward and backward forever).
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PID tuner for velocity mode (note: not recommended to use velocity PID).
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Follower PID test (moves in a square forever).
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General drive capabilities, to test field localization and odometry pod tracking.
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Most important tuning procedure to tune precise feedforward coefficients.
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Determines maximum angular velocity of the robot.
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Determines maximum velocity of the robot.
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Debug mode to determine which motors on a four-wheel setup are attached where.
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Final test of coefficients with an advanced spline path.
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Strafing test to verify y direction localization.
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Forward test to verify x direction localization.
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For three-wheel odometry, tuner to find the forward offset coefficient.
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For three-wheel odometry, tuner to find the lateral offset coefficient.
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Tuner to find the effective track width coefficient.
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open var TurnTest: TurnTest
Rotation test to verify z-axis localization.

Inherited properties

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open var gamepad1: Gamepad
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open var gamepad2: Gamepad
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open var hardwareMap: HardwareMap
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open val isStarted: Boolean
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open var telemetry: Telemetry
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open var time: Double


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fun runOpMode()

Inherited functions

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open fun getRuntime(): Double
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fun idle()
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fun init()
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fun init_loop()
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open fun internalPostLoop()
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open fun internalPreInit()
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fun internalUpdateTelemetryNow(telemetry: TelemetryMessage)
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fun loop()
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open fun resetRuntime()
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fun sleep(milliseconds: Long)
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fun start()
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fun stop()
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open fun updateTelemetry(telemetry: Telemetry)
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open fun waitForStart()