
open class BackAndForth : TriConsumer<T1, T2, T3>

Op mode for preliminary tuning of the follower PID coefficients (located in the drive base classes). The robot drives back and forth in a straight line indefinitely.

Utilization of the dashboard is recommended for this tuning routine. To access the dashboard, connect your computer to the RC's WiFi network. In your browser, navigate to if you're using the RC phone or if you are using the Control Hub. Once you've successfully connected, start the program, and your robot will begin moving forward and backward. You should observe the target position (green) and your pose estimate (blue) and adjust your follower PID coefficients such that you follow the target position as accurately as possible.

If you are using MecanumDrive, you should be tuning TRANSLATIONAL_PID and HEADING_PID. If you are using TankDrive, you should be tuning AXIAL_PID, CROSS_TRACK_PID, and HEADING_PID.

These coefficients can be tuned live in dashboard.

This opmode is designed as a convenient, coarse tuning for the follower PID coefficients. It is recommended that you use the FollowerPIDTuner opmode for further fine tuning.




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The distance in inches to travel for the feedforward tuning routine.


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open fun accept(opMode: LinearOpMode, telemetry: DualTelemetry, drive: RoadRunnerDrive)
Performs this operation on the given arguments.

Inherited functions

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open fun andThen(after: TriConsumer<in T1, in T2, in T3>): TriConsumer<T1, T2, T3>
Returns a composed TriConsumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.