
interface RoadRunner

RoadRunner utility interface for OpModes, providing simpler trajectory building processes. Do not override any of the default methods in this interface, as they are used for RoadRunner task scheduling.

Previously named RoadRunnerAutonomousBunyipsOpMode (RRABOM, nickname "Rabone").

This interface can be used in any OpMode base variant, however the addTask() builder method requires the presence of AutonomousBunyipsOpMode.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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Priority representation for building tasks.
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Builder class for a trajectory and task sequence.


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The timeout value used for the RoadRunner drive update watchdog to disengage the drive if an update call has not been registered after this timeout.
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Whether timeouts for built tasks should be force-set to no timeout.
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val splicedPose: Reference<Pose2d>
Stores last spliced pose.


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open fun atAcceleration(acceleration: Double, unit: Velocity<Velocity<Distance>>): TrajectoryAccelerationConstraint
Make a translation acceleration constraint.
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open fun atAngularVelocity(rotation: Double, unit: Velocity<Angle>): TrajectoryVelocityConstraint
Make an angular velocity constraint.
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open fun atVelocities(translation: Double, translationUnit: Velocity<Distance>, rotation: Double, rotationUnit: Velocity<Angle>): TrajectoryVelocityConstraint
Make a translation and angular velocity constraint.
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open fun atVelocity(translation: Double, unit: Velocity<Distance>): TrajectoryVelocityConstraint
Make a translation velocity constraint.
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Get the drive instance reference to be used for RoadRunner trajectories.
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open fun makeTrajectory(startPoseInchRad: Pose2d, mirrorPoseRef: Boolean): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder
open fun makeTrajectory(startPose: Pose2d, inUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder
open fun makeTrajectory(startPose: Pose2d, inUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle, mirrorPoseRef: Boolean): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder
Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue.
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open fun mirror(pose: Pose2d): Pose2d
Mirror a global pose across the alliance plane.
open fun mirror(vector: Vector2d): Vector2d
Mirror a global vector across the alliance plane.
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open fun resetForOpMode()
Reset fields for an OpMode.
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open fun resetPoseInfo()
Reset pose info back to default.
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open fun setPose(poseEstimateInchRad: Pose2d)
open fun setPose(poseEstimate: Pose2d, inUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle)
Set the current pose estimate of the drive.
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open fun unitPose(pose: Pose2d, distanceUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle): Pose2d
open fun unitPose(pose: Pose2d, distanceUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle, scalarDistMult: Double): Pose2d
Convert a Pose2d of specified units to inches and radians.
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open fun unitVec(vector: Vector2d, unit: Distance): Vector2d
open fun unitVec(vector: Vector2d, unit: Distance, scalarDistMult: Double): Vector2d
Convert a Vector2d of specified units to inches and radians.