
Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue.


Builder for the trajectory



Starting pose of the trajectory to be built starting at (in, in, rad). This pose will consequently used as the next implicit pose.

open fun makeTrajectory(startPoseInchRad: Pose2d, mirrorPoseRef: Boolean): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder

Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue.


Builder for the trajectory



Starting pose of the trajectory to be built starting at (in, in, rad). This pose will consequently used as the next implicit pose.


Whether to mirror this starting pose if used in a mirrorToRef. This is disabled by default to account for global coordinate systems.

open fun makeTrajectory(startPose: Pose2d, inUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle, mirrorPoseRef: Boolean): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder

Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue.


Builder for the trajectory



Starting pose of the trajectory to be built starting at. This pose will consequently used as the next implicit pose.


The unit of the end pose vector (will be converted to inches)


The unit of the end pose heading (will be converted to radians)


Whether to mirror this starting pose if used in a mirrorToRef. This is disabled by default to account for global coordinate systems.

open fun makeTrajectory(startPose: Pose2d, inUnit: Distance, angleUnit: Angle): RoadRunner.RoadRunnerTrajectoryTaskBuilder

Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue.


Builder for the trajectory



Starting pose of the trajectory to be built starting at. This pose will consequently used as the next implicit pose.


The unit of the end pose vector (will be converted to inches)


The unit of the end pose heading (will be converted to radians)

Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue. Without arguments, the start pose will use the current pose estimate of the drive *or* the last spliced pose as the starting pose of the trajectory. If there is no buffered spliced pose, the current pose estimate will be used.


Builder for the trajectory



Whether to mirror the implicit starting pose if used in a mirrorToRef. This is disabled by default to account for global coordinate systems.

See also

Use this method to build a new RoadRunner trajectory or to add a RoadRunner trajectory to the task queue. Without arguments, the start pose will use the current pose estimate of the drive *or* the last spliced pose as the starting pose of the trajectory. If there is no buffered spliced pose, the current pose estimate will be used.


Builder for the trajectory

See also