
open class PIDFFController : PIDF

A composite controller to use for PID+FF controls (with kV/kA calculated components). This controller is compatible with any error-correction need, including RUN_TO_POSIITON and RUN_USING_ENCODER modes in Motor.

To use an ArmFeedforward, consider using the ArmController, which will properly integrate the cosine of the arm position as part of your feedforward during a RUN_TO_POSITION.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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constructor(pid: PIDController, ff: SystemController, encoder: Encoder)
Construct a new PIDFFController.


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open fun calculate(current: Double, target: Double): Double
Calculate the next output of this control algorithm.
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open fun calculateVelo(currentVelo: Double, targetVelo: Double): Double
Alternative calculate method where the feedforward component will be assumed to be a velocity, allowing your feedforward to react faster.
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Gets the current coefficients for this controller.
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open fun reset()
Reset this controller back to an un-accumulated state, if applicable.
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open fun setCoefficients(coeffs: Array<Double>)
Sets the coefficients for this controller.