
open class Motor : DcMotorImplEx

Drop-in replacement for a DcMotor that uses custom control algorithms to operate RUN_USING_ENCODER and RUN_TO_POSITION modes. Internally integrates a gain scheduler to allow for more precise system coefficients against gravity and other external forces.

This class is designed to be down casted to a DcMotor where used, integrating with the current motor modes while providing faster, predictable control systems.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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constructor(motor: DcMotor)
Wrap a DcMotor to use in the Motor class.


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open inner class GainScheduling
Gain scheduler builder which will interpolate on build and populate gains.


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open var mode: DcMotor.RunMode

Inherited properties

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protected open var controller: DcMotorController
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protected open var direction: DcMotorSimple.Direction
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protected open var motorType: MotorConfigurationType
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protected open var portNumber: Int
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Note that this method will try to access the RUN_TO_POSITION controller to access information there.
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open fun getVelocity(): Double
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open fun isBusy(): Boolean
Note that this method will try to access the RUN_TO_POSITION controller to access information there.
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open fun resetEncoder()
Reset the encoder value without stopping the motor.
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Call to build a list of encoder tick positions where you want your RUN_TO_POSITION system controller gains to be.
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Call to build a list of encoder tick positions where you want your RUN_USING_ENCODER system controller gains to be.
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open fun setMaxPower(magnitude: Double)
Sets the maximum power magnitude (applies for both negative and positive powers) this motor can run at.
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open fun setPower(power: Double)
Update system controllers and propagate new power levels to the motor.
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open fun setPowerDeltaThreshold(magnitude: Double)
Set the delta in power required to propagate a hardware write.
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open fun setPowerRefreshRate(refreshRate: Measure<Time>)
Set the refresh rate of the motor that will be a minimum time between hardware writes.
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Set a system controller to use for RUN_TO_POSITION.
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open fun setRunUsingEncoderController(controller: SystemController, bufferFraction: Double, maxAchievableTicksPerSecond: Double)
Set a system controller to use for RUN_USING_ENCODER.
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open fun setTargetPositionTolerance(tolerance: Int)
Note that this method will try to access the RUN_TO_POSITION controller to access information there.
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open fun setVelocity(vel: Double)
Switches the motor to velocity control and tries to set the ticks/sec target.
open fun setVelocity(angVel: Double, unit: AngleUnit)
Switches the motor to velocity control and tries to set the angular velocity of the motor based on the intrinsic MotorConfigurationType configuration.
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Call to use encoder overflow (exceeding 32767 ticks/sec) correction on getVelocity.

Inherited functions

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protected open fun adjustAngularRate(angularRate: Double): Double
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protected open fun adjustPosition(position: Int): Int
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protected open fun adjustPower(power: Double): Double
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open fun close()
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open fun getController(): DcMotorController
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open fun getCurrent(unit: CurrentUnit): Double
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open fun getCurrentAlert(unit: CurrentUnit): Double
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open fun getDeviceName(): String
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open fun getDirection(): DcMotorSimple.Direction
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open fun getManufacturer(): HardwareDevice.Manufacturer
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open fun getMode(): DcMotor.RunMode
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open fun getMotorType(): MotorConfigurationType
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protected open fun getOperationalDirection(): DcMotorSimple.Direction
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open fun getPIDCoefficients(mode: DcMotor.RunMode): PIDCoefficients
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open fun getPIDFCoefficients(mode: DcMotor.RunMode): PIDFCoefficients
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open fun getPortNumber(): Int
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open fun getPower(): Double
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open fun getVersion(): Int
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open fun getZeroPowerBehavior(): DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior
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protected open fun internalSetMode(mode: DcMotor.RunMode)
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protected open fun internalSetPower(power: Double)
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protected open fun internalSetTargetPosition(position: Int)
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open fun setCurrentAlert(current: Double, unit: CurrentUnit)
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open fun setDirection(direction: DcMotorSimple.Direction)
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open fun setMode(mode: DcMotor.RunMode)
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open fun setMotorDisable()
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open fun setMotorEnable()
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open fun setMotorType(motorType: MotorConfigurationType)
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open fun setPIDCoefficients(mode: DcMotor.RunMode, pidCoefficients: PIDCoefficients)
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open fun setPIDFCoefficients(mode: DcMotor.RunMode, pidfCoefficients: PIDFCoefficients)
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open fun setPowerFloat()
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open fun setTargetPosition(position: Int)
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open fun setZeroPowerBehavior(zeroPowerBehavior: DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior)