
open class ArmController : PIDF

A composite PID and Feedforward controller that represents an arm suspended at an angle from gravity. This class is similar to PIDFFController, but uses suppliers for angles to be used in calculating feedforward, allowing proper calculation of the feedforward cosine coefficient.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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constructor(pid: PIDController, ff: ArmFeedforward, setPointAngleProvider: Supplier<Measure<Angle>>, velocityAngleProvider: Supplier<Measure<Velocity<Angle>>>, accelerationAngleProvider: Supplier<Measure<Velocity<Velocity<Angle>>>>)
Construct a new ArmController.


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open fun calculate(current: Double, target: Double): Double
Calculate the next output of this control algorithm.
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Gets the current coefficients for this controller.
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open fun reset()
Reset this controller back to an un-accumulated state, if applicable.
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open fun setCoefficients(coeffs: Array<Double>)
Sets the coefficients for this controller.