
Implements a PID control loop whose setpoint is constrained by a trapezoid profile. Source




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constructor(Kp: Double, Ki: Double, Kd: Double, constraints: TrapezoidProfile.Constraints)
Allocates a ProfiledPIDController with the given constants for Kp, Ki, and Kd.


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open fun atGoal(): Boolean
Returns true if the error is within the tolerance of the error.
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open fun atSetpoint(): Boolean
Returns true if the error is within the tolerance of the error.
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open fun calculate(measurement: Double): Double
open fun calculate(measurement: Double, newGoal: TrapezoidProfile.State): Double
open fun calculate(measurement: Double, newGoal: TrapezoidProfile.State, newConstraints: TrapezoidProfile.Constraints): Double
Returns the next output of the PID controller.
open fun calculate(measurement: Double, newGoal: Double): Double
Returns the next output of the PIDController.
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Gets the current coefficients for this controller.
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open fun getD(): Double
Gets the differential coefficient.
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open fun getI(): Double
Gets the integral coefficient.
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open fun getP(): Double
Gets the proportional coefficient.
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open fun getPeriod(): Double
Gets the period of this controller.
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Returns the difference between the setpoint and the measurement.
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Returns the change in error per second.
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open fun reset()
Reset the previous error, the integral term, and disable the controller.
open fun reset(measuredPosition: Double)
open fun reset(measurement: TrapezoidProfile.State)
open fun reset(measuredPosition: Double, measuredVelocity: Double)
Reset the previous error and the integral term.
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open fun setCoefficients(coeffs: Array<Double>)
Sets the coefficients for this controller.
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Set velocity and acceleration constraints for goal.
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open fun setD(Kd: Double)
Sets the differential coefficient of the PID controller gain.
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open fun setGoal(goal: Double)
Sets the goal for the ProfiledPIDController.
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open fun setI(Ki: Double)
Sets the integral coefficient of the PID controller gain.
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open fun setP(Kp: Double)
Sets the proportional coefficient of the PID controller gain.
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open fun setPID(Kp: Double, Ki: Double, Kd: Double)
Sets the PID Controller gain parameters.
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open fun setTolerance(positionTolerance: Double)
open fun setTolerance(positionTolerance: Double, velocityTolerance: Double)
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetpoint().