
A PIDF controller with no feedforward or integral. Source





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constructor(kp: Double, kd: Double)
Default constructor with just the coefficients
constructor(kp: Double, kd: Double, sp: Double, pv: Double)
The extended constructor.

Inherited properties

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open val period: Double
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open var setPoint: Double

Inherited functions

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open fun atSetPoint(): Boolean
Returns true if the error is within the percentage of the total input range, determined by setTolerance.
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abstract fun calculate(process: Double, setpoint: Double): Double
Calculate the next output of this control algorithm.
open fun calculate(): Double
open fun calculate(pv: Double, sp: Double): Double
Calculates the next output of the PIDF controller.
open fun calculate(pv: Double): Double
Calculates the control value, u(t).
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open fun clearTotalError()
Clear the integral term.
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open fun getD(): Double
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open fun getF(): Double
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open fun getI(): Double
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open fun getP(): Double
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open fun reset()
Resets the PIDF controller.
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open fun setCoefficients(coeffs: Array<Double>)
Sets the coefficients for this controller.
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open fun setD(kd: Double)
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open fun setF(kf: Double)
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open fun setI(ki: Double)
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open fun setIntegrationBounds(integralMin: Double, integralMax: Double)
Set the bounds for the integral term.
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open fun setP(kp: Double)
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open fun setPID(coefficients: PIDCoefficients)
open fun setPID(kp: Double, ki: Double, kd: Double)
Set the current controller PID coefficients to the given coefficients.
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open fun setPIDF(coefficients: PIDFCoefficients)
open fun setPIDF(kp: Double, ki: Double, kd: Double, kf: Double)
Set the current controller PID coefficients to the given coefficients.
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open fun setTolerance(positionTolerance: Double)
open fun setTolerance(positionTolerance: Double, velocityTolerance: Double)
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetPoint.
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open fun updatePID(coefficients: PIDCoefficients)
Update the supplied PID coefficients with the current controller values.
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open fun updatePIDF(coefficients: PIDFCoefficients)
Update the supplied PID coefficients with the current controller values.