
Run a sequence of trajectories, useful if you do not need to build a trajectory but run one directly. This method will override and void any previous trajectory added to this builder, but will still accept task settings and construction.

By default, with no extra boolean parameter, this method will also set the Pose Estimate of the drive to the start pose of the sequence immediately. Pass in false to disable this behaviour.

Example usage: makeTrajectory([optional pose estimate to set to on task build]).runSequence(sequence).withName("pre-built sequence").addTask();


The builder



The sequence to run

Run a sequence of trajectories, useful if you do not need to build a trajectory but run one directly. This method will override and void any previous trajectory added to this builder, but will still accept task settings and construction.

This method can optionally also set the Pose Estimate of the drive to the start pose of the sequence immediately. Pass in false to disable this behavior.

Example usage: makeTrajectory([optional pose estimate to set to on task build]).runSequence(sequence).withName("pre-built sequence").addTask();


The builder



The sequence to run


Whether to set the drive pose estimate to the start of the sequence (immediately)