
open class DcMotor : DcMotorImpl, Ramping

Wrapper class for a DcMotor where all motor speed is passed through a configurable SmoothDamp function. This class is designed to be downcasted to the SDK DcMotor type.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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constructor(motor: DcMotor)
Create a new Ramping DcMotor object, wrapping a DcMotor object and returning a new object that can be used in place of the original.
constructor(motor: DcMotor, smoothTime: Measure<Time>, maxDelta: Double)
Create a new Ramping DcMotor object, wrapping a DcMotor object and returning a new object that can be used in place of the original.

Inherited properties

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protected open var controller: DcMotorController
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protected open var direction: DcMotorSimple.Direction
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protected open var motorType: MotorConfigurationType
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protected open var portNumber: Int


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Set the maximum change in power level per second.
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open fun setPower(power: Double)
Set the power level of the motor, which will be passed through a SmoothDamp function defined by the motor's ramping parameters.
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open fun setPowerInstant(power: Double)
Instantly set the power level of the motor, bypassing the SmoothDamp function.
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Set whether the ramping function is enabled.
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open fun setRampingParameters(smoothTime: Measure<Time>, maxDelta: Double): Ramping.DcMotor
Set the ramping parameters of the motor.
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open fun setRampingTime(smoothTime: Measure<Time>): Ramping.DcMotor
Set the time it takes for the motor to reach the target power level.
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open fun stop()
Instantly stop the motor, bypassing the SmoothDamp function.

Inherited functions

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protected open fun adjustPosition(position: Int): Int
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protected open fun adjustPower(power: Double): Double
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open fun close()
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open fun getController(): DcMotorController
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open fun getDeviceName(): String
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open fun getDirection(): DcMotorSimple.Direction
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open fun getManufacturer(): HardwareDevice.Manufacturer
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open fun getMode(): DcMotor.RunMode
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open fun getMotorType(): MotorConfigurationType
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protected open fun getOperationalDirection(): DcMotorSimple.Direction
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open fun getPortNumber(): Int
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open fun getPower(): Double
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open fun getVersion(): Int
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open fun getZeroPowerBehavior(): DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior
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protected open fun internalSetMode(mode: DcMotor.RunMode)
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protected open fun internalSetPower(power: Double)
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protected open fun internalSetTargetPosition(position: Int)
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open fun isBusy(): Boolean
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open fun setDirection(direction: DcMotorSimple.Direction)
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open fun setMode(mode: DcMotor.RunMode)
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open fun setMotorType(motorType: MotorConfigurationType)
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open fun setPowerFloat()
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open fun setTargetPosition(position: Int)
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open fun setZeroPowerBehavior(zeroPowerBehavior: DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior)