Package-level declarations
Telemetry implementation for BunyipsLib, integrating FtcDashboard and Driver Station calls in one object, while providing additional features useful for debugging and telemetry management. This is used internally by BunyipsOpMode to be accessible by the overridden telemetry
Utility class for converting between SI units and encoder ticks.
OpMode "userspace" util to prevent user-code unhandled exceptions from crashing the app.
Abstract class to use as parent to the class you will define to mirror a "saved configuration" on the Robot Controller, and to define any robot related constants or subsystems. Supported for use in both BunyipsOpModes and any other normal SDK OpMode. This paradigm is known as RobotHardware.
Scheduler and command plexus for use with the BunyipsLib task system in TeleOp.
Async thread to ask for user input from a controller in order to determine a pre-determined set of instructions before a BunyipsOpMode starts (dynamic_init