Represents a robot starting on the right side of the blue alliance.

Default pose data is set to FTC Field Tile A2 on the Blue Alliance, robot on right side of field from blue's POV. Pose heading faces inwards towards the field.

Inherited properties

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Whether the starting position is on the blue alliance side of the field.

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Whether the starting position is on the left side of the field.

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Whether the starting position is on the red alliance side of the field.

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Whether the starting position is on the right side of the field.

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var pose: Pose2d

The pose of the starting position. This is the position of the robot on the field when the match starts in the FTC Field Coordinate system (+ RoadRunner). The heading value is if the robot were to face inwards towards the field.

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val vector: Vector2d

The vector of the starting position with no heading information.

Inherited functions

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Convert this starting position to a starting configuration.

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open override fun toString(): String