
Scheduler and command plexus for use with the BunyipsLib task system.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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Create a new scheduler and reset static fields.


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open inner class ConditionalTask
A task that will run when a condition is met.
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open inner class ControllerButtonCreator
Controller button trigger creator.

Inherited properties

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protected val opMode: BunyipsOpMode


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open fun addSubsystems(dispatch: Array<BunyipsSubsystem>)
Add subsystems to the scheduler.
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open fun addTaskReport(className: String, isDefaultTask: Boolean, taskName: String, deltaTimeSec: Double, timeoutSec: Double)
Used internally by subsystems and tasks to report their running status statically.
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Run a task always.
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open fun disable()
Disable all subsystems attached to the Scheduler.
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Create a new controller button trigger creator for the driver.
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open fun enable()
Enable all subsystems attached to the Scheduler, unless they failed from null assertion.
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Get all allocated tasks.
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Get all subsystems attached to the scheduler.
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open fun mute()
Mute Scheduler telemetry.
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Create a new controller button trigger creator for the operator.
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open fun run()
Run the scheduler.
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open fun unmute()
Unmute Scheduler telemetry.
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Run a task when a condition is met.
Create a new controller button trigger creator.
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Run a task when a condition is met, debouncing the task from running more than once the condition is met.