
open class Controller : Gamepad

A wrapper around a Gamepad object that provides a Controls interface and custom input calculations. These gamepad objects are used natively in BunyipsOpMode, and are the drop-in replacements for gamepad1 and gamepad2.


Lucas Bubner, 2024



See also


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constructor(gamepad: Gamepad)
Create a new Controller to manage.


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val CUBE: (Float) -> Float
A function that cubes the input value and keeps the sign.
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open var dd: Boolean
Shorthand for dpad_down
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open var dl: Boolean
Shorthand for dpad_left
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open var dr: Boolean
Shorthand for dpad_right
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open var du: Boolean
Shorthand for dpad_up
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open var lb: Boolean
Shorthand for left_bumper
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val LINEAR: (Float) -> Float
A function that returns the input value as-is.
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open var lsb: Boolean
Shorthand for left_stick_button
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open var lsx: Float
Shorthand for left_stick_x
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open var lsy: Float
Shorthand for left_stick_y
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open var lt: Float
Shorthand for left_trigger
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val NEGATE: (Float) -> Float
A function that negates the input value.
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open var rb: Boolean
Shorthand for right_bumper
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open var rsb: Boolean
Shorthand for right_stick_button
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open var rsx: Float
Shorthand for right_stick_x
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open var rsy: Float
Shorthand for right_stick_y
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open var rt: Float
Shorthand for right_trigger
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val sdk: Gamepad
The SDK gamepad that this Controller wraps and takes input from.
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val SQUARE: (Float) -> Float
A function that squares the input value and keeps the sign.

Inherited properties

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open var a: Boolean
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open var b: Boolean
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open var back: Boolean
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open var circle: Boolean
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open var cross: Boolean
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open var dpad_down: Boolean
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open var dpad_left: Boolean
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open var dpad_up: Boolean
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open var guide: Boolean
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open var id: Int
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val ID_SYNTHETIC: Int = -2
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open var ledQueue: EvictingBlockingQueue<Gamepad.LedEffect>
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protected open var nanotimeTransmit: Long
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protected val nanotimeTransmitInterval: Long = 200000000
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protected open var nextSequenceNumber: AtomicInteger
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open var options: Boolean
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open var ps: Boolean
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open var rumbleQueue: EvictingBlockingQueue<Gamepad.RumbleEffect>
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protected open var sequenceNumber: Int
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open var share: Boolean
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open var square: Boolean
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open var start: Boolean
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open var timestamp: Long
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open var touchpad: Boolean
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open var triangle: Boolean
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open var type: Gamepad.Type
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protected open var user: Byte
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protected open var userForEffects: Byte
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open var x: Boolean
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open var y: Boolean


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open fun get(button: Controls): Boolean
Get the value of a button.
open fun get(axis: Controls.Analog): Float
Get the value of an axis.
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open fun getDebounced(button: Controls): Boolean
Check if a button is currently pressed on a gamepad, with debounce to ignore a press that was already detected upon the first call of this function and button.
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open fun set(button: Controls, @Nullable predicate: Predicate<Boolean>): Controller
Customise how a button is read.
open fun set(axis: Controls.Analog, @Nullable function: (Float) -> Float): Controller
Customise how an axis is read.
open fun set(group: Controls.AnalogGroup, @Nullable function: (Float) -> Float): Controller
Customise how a group of axes is read.
open fun set(group: Controls.ButtonGroup, @Nullable predicate: Predicate<Boolean>): Controller
Customise how a group of buttons is read.
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open fun update()
Update the public fields of this Controller with the values from the wrapped Gamepad, performing calculations on the inputs as specified by the user.
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protected open fun updateButtonAliases()

Inherited functions

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protected open fun allocateWholeWriteBuffer(overallSize: Int): ByteBuffer
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open fun atRest(): Boolean
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open fun copy(gamepad: Gamepad)
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open fun fromByteArray(byteArray: Array<Byte>)
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protected open fun genericToString(): String
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open fun getGamepadId(): Int
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protected open fun getReadBuffer(byteArray: Array<Byte>): ByteBuffer
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open fun getRobocolMsgType(): RobocolParsable.MsgType
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open fun getUser(): GamepadUser
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protected open fun getWholeReadBuffer(byteArray: Array<Byte>): ByteBuffer
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protected open fun getWriteBuffer(payloadSize: Int): ByteBuffer
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open fun initializeSequenceNumber(sequenceNumber: Int)
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open fun isRumbling(): Boolean
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protected open fun ps4ToString(): String
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open fun refreshTimestamp()
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open fun reset()
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open fun rumble(durationMs: Int)
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open fun rumbleBlips(count: Int)
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open fun runLedEffect(effect: Gamepad.LedEffect)
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open fun runRumbleEffect(effect: Gamepad.RumbleEffect)
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open fun setGamepadId(id: Int)
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open fun setLedColor(r: Double, g: Double, b: Double, durationMs: Int)
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open fun setSequenceNumber(sequenceNumber: Short)
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open fun setTimestamp(timestamp: Long)
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open fun setUser(user: GamepadUser)
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open fun setUserForEffects(userForEffects: Byte)
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open fun shouldTransmit(nanotimeNow: Long): Boolean
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open fun stopRumble()
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open fun toByteArray(): Array<Byte>
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun type(): Gamepad.Type