
Queue a task when the condition is met, debouncing the task from queueing more than once the condition is met. This effectively does the same as run, however only a single queue is permitted per rising edge.

This method can only be called once per ConditionalTask. If you do not mention timing control, this task will be run immediately when the condition is met, ending when the task ends.


Current builder for additional task parameters



The task to run.

Implicitly make a new RunTask to run once the condition is met, debouncing the task from queueing more than once the condition is met. This effectively will run this code block once when the condition is met at the rising edge.

This method can only be called once per ConditionalTask. If you do not mention timing control, this task will be run immediately when the condition is met, ending immediately as it is an RunTask.


Current builder for additional task parameters



The code to run