
open class Deadwheel : HardwareDevice

Wraps a motor instance to provide corrected velocity counts and allow reversing independently of the corresponding slot's motor direction




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constructor(motor: DcMotor, clock: NanoClock)
Constructs a new Encoder instance.
constructor(motor: DcMotor)
Constructs a new Encoder instance.


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Direction of encoder counts


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open fun close()
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Uses velocity estimates gathered in getCurrentPosition to estimate the upper bits of velocity that are lost in overflow due to velocity being transmitted as 16 bits.
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Gets the position from the underlying motor and adjusts for the set direction.
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open fun getDeviceName(): String
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open fun getManufacturer(): HardwareDevice.Manufacturer
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Gets the velocity directly from the underlying motor and compensates for the direction See getCorrectedVelocity for high (>2^15) counts per second velocities (such as on REV Through Bore)
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open fun getVersion(): Int