
open class Coefficients

Coefficients for RoadRunner two wheel tracking localizer. Reworked to use a builder for multiple robot configurations.


Lucas Bubner, 2023


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open class Builder
Utility class for building TwoWheelLocalizer.


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open var GEAR_RATIO: Double
Gear ratio of the tracking wheels.
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open var PARALLEL_X: Double
Position in the forward direction of the parallel wheels in inches
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open var PARALLEL_Y: Double
Position in the strafe direction of the parallel wheels in inches
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Position in the forward direction of the perpendicular wheels in inches
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Position in the strafe direction of the perpendicular wheels in inches
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The number of ticks per revolution of the encoders
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Whether to use corrected overflow counts if the TPS exceeds 32767.
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The radius of the tracking wheels in inches
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Multiplicative scale of the ticks from the x (forward) axis.
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Multiplicative scale of the ticks from the y (strafe) axis.