Package-level declarations


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open class Angle : Unit<U>
Unit of angular dimension.
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class BaseUnits
The base units of measure.
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open class Current : Unit<U>
Unit of electric current dimension.
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open class Dimensionless : Unit<U>
A type of unit that corresponds to raw values and not any physical dimension, such as percentage.
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open class Distance : Unit<U>
Unit of linear dimension.
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open class Energy : Unit<U>
Unit of energy dimension.
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open class ImmutableMeasure<U : Unit<U>?> : Measure<U>
A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.
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open class Mass : Unit<U>
Unit of mass dimension.
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interface Measure<U : Unit<U>?> : Comparable<T>
A measure holds the magnitude and unit of some dimension, such as distance, time, or speed.
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open class Mult<A : Unit<A>?, B : Unit<B>?> : Unit<U>
A combinatory unit type that is equivalent to the product of two other others.
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class MutableMeasure<U : Unit<U>?> : Measure<U>
A specialization of Measure that allows for mutability.
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open class Per<N : Unit<N>?, D : Unit<D>?> : Unit<U>
Generic combinatory unit type that represents the proportion of one unit to another, such as Meters per Second or Radians per Celsius.
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open class Power : Unit<U>
Unit of power dimension.
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open class Temperature : Unit<U>
Unit of temperature dimension.
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open class Time : Unit<U>
Unit of time dimension.
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A function that accepts a single double and returns a double result.
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open class Unit<U : Unit<U>?>
Unit of measurement that defines a quantity, such as grams, meters, or seconds.
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class UnitBuilder<U : Unit<U>?>
Builder used for easily deriving new units from existing ones.
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class Units
Contains and exposes a set of predefined units.
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open class Velocity<D : Unit<D>?> : Unit<U>
Unit of velocity dimension that is a combination of a distance unit (numerator) and a time unit (denominator).
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open class Voltage : Unit<U>
Unit of electric voltage dimension.