
class UnitBuilder<U : Unit<U>?>

Builder used for easily deriving new units from existing ones. When deriving a new unit, the base unit class must redeclare the constructor (U, UnaryFunction, UnaryFunction, String, String). The unit builder class will invoke this constructor automatically and build the new unit. Alternatively, new units can be derived by passing an explicit constructor function to make.





the type of the unit


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constructor(base: U)
Creates a new unit builder object, building off of a base unit.


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open inner class MappingBuilder
Helper class used for safely chaining mapping builder calls.
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A functional interface for constructing new units without relying on reflection.


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open fun aggregate(aggregation: Double): UnitBuilder<U>
Helper for defining units that are a scalar multiple of the base unit, such as kilometers being 1000x of the base unit (meters).
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open fun fromBase(fromBase: UnaryFunction): UnitBuilder<U>
Sets the conversion function to transform values in the base unit to values in the derived unit.
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open fun make(): U
Creates the new unit based off of the builder methods called prior.
open fun make(constructor: UnitBuilder.UnitConstructorFunction<U>): U
Creates the new unit based off of the builder methods called prior, passing them to a provided constructor function.
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Defines a mapping for values within the given input range.
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open fun named(name: String): UnitBuilder<U>
Sets the name of the new unit.
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open fun offset(offset: Double): UnitBuilder<U>
Sets the unit conversions based on a simple offset.
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open fun splitInto(fraction: Double): UnitBuilder<U>
Helper for defining units that are a scalar fraction of the base unit, such as centimeters being 1/100th of the base unit (meters).
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open fun symbol(symbol: String): UnitBuilder<U>
Sets the symbol of the new unit.
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open fun toBase(toBase: UnaryFunction): UnitBuilder<U>
Sets the conversion function to transform values in the derived unit to values in the base unit.