
open class Per<N : Unit<N>?, D : Unit<D>?> : Unit<U>

Generic combinatory unit type that represents the proportion of one unit to another, such as Meters per Second or Radians per Celsius.

Note: Velocity is used to represent the velocity dimension, rather than Per<Distance, Time>.





the type of the numerator unit


the type of the denominator unit


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protected constructor(numerator: N, denominator: D)
Creates a new proportional unit derived from the ratio of one unit to another.

Inherited properties

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val baseUnit: U


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open fun <N : Unit<N>?, D : Unit<D>?> combine(numerator: N, denominator: D): Per<N, D>
Creates a new Per unit derived from an arbitrary numerator and time denominator units.
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open fun denominator(): D
Gets the denominator unit.
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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun numerator(): N
Gets the numerator unit.
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open fun reciprocal(): Per<D, N>
Returns the reciprocal of this Per.

Inherited functions

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open fun convertFrom(magnitude: Double, otherUnit: Unit<U>): Double
Converts a magnitude in terms of another unit of the same dimension to a magnitude in terms of this unit.
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open fun equivalent(other: Unit<out Any>): Boolean
Checks if this unit is equivalent to another one.
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open fun fromBaseUnits(valueInBaseUnits: Double): Double
Converts a value in terms of base units to a value in terms of this unit.
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Gets the conversion function used to convert values to terms of this unit.
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Gets the conversion function used to convert values to base unit terms.
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open fun isBaseUnit(): Boolean
Checks if this unit is the base unit for its own system of measurement.
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open fun <U2 : Unit<U2>?> mult(other: U2): Mult<U, U2>
Takes this unit and creates a new combinatory unit equivalent to this unit multiplied by another.
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open fun name(): String
Gets the name of this unit.
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open fun of(magnitude: Double): Measure<U>
Creates a new measure of this unit with the given value.
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open fun ofBaseUnits(baseUnitMagnitude: Double): Measure<U>
Creates a new measure with a magnitude equal to the given base unit magnitude, converted to be in terms of this unit.
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open fun one(): Measure<U>
Gets a measure with a magnitude of 1 in terms of this unit.
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open fun <D : Unit<D>?> per(denominator: D): Per<U, D>
Takes this unit and creates a new proportional unit where this unit is the numerator and the given denominator is the denominator.
open fun per(period: Time): Velocity<U>
Creates a velocity unit derived from this one.
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open fun symbol(): String
Gets the symbol of this unit.
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open fun toBaseUnits(valueInNativeUnits: Double): Double
Converts a value in terms of this unit to a value in terms of the base unit.
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun zero(): Measure<U>
Gets a measure with a magnitude of 0 in terms of this unit.