
class Text

Text and string manipulation utilities.


Lucas Bubner, 2023




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open class Builder : CharSequence
A modified wrapper of StringBuilder that internally calls formatString on all append calls.
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open class HtmlBuilder
Allows for the building of HTML strings, similar to the DualTelemetry HtmlItem for Driver Station telemetry.


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open fun builder(): Text.Builder
open fun builder(capacity: Int): Text.Builder
open fun builder(initial: String): Text.Builder
Return a wrapper of StringBuilder that internally calls formatString on all append calls.
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open fun format(@NonNull fstring: String, @Nullable objs: Array<Any>): String
open fun format(@NonNull fstring: String, @Nullable objs: List<Any>): String
Format a string using only '%' placeholders.
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open fun formatString(@NonNull fstring: String, @Nullable objs: Array<Any>): String
open fun formatString(@NonNull fstring: String, @Nullable objs: List<Any>): String
Format a string using only '%' placeholders.
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Get the calling user code function of the current context by looking at the stacktrace until it leaves BunyipsLib.
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Begin building an HTML string.
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open fun lower(str: String): String
Lowercase a string.
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open fun removeHtml(htmlString: String): String
Removes HTML from a string.
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open fun round(@Nullable num: Double, thDigits: Int): Double
open fun round(@Nullable num: Float, thDigits: Int): Float
open fun round(@Nullable num: Double, thDigits: Int, sigFigs: Int): Double
open fun round(@Nullable num: Float, thDigits: Int, sigFigs: Int): Float
Round a number to a certain number of decimal points.
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open fun upper(str: String): String
Uppercase a string.