open class IMUEx : IMU, Runnable

Drop-in replacement for an Inertial Measurement Unit that provides WPIUnit data and the capabilities of automatic updates similar to (but not implementing) a subsystem multi-thread.

This class supports different readings of IMU measurement, such as an unrestricted domain on heading reads, while also being able to provide IMU units in terms of WPIUnits.

This class is also down-castable to the Universal IMU Interface. Note that all data in this class is retrieved via the run method, which opens the possibility for threading the IMU via startThread, similar to a BunyipsSubsystem.

Since this class is down-castable, it also can be used as a HardwareDevice and serves as a drop-in replacement for the IMU interface.

Field-exposed angles from this class are intrinsic. Read more in the YawPitchRollAngles and Orientation classes.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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constructor(imu: IMU)
Wrap an IMU to use in IMUEx.


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The various modes that the yaw field can represent the current robot yaw as.


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Last acquisition of data from the IMU by IMUOp.
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Last read pitch of the IMU.
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Last read pitch velocity of the IMU.
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open var quaternion: Quaternion
Last known robot-centric quaternion reported from the IMU and yaw offset.
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Last read roll of the IMU.
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Last read roll velocity of the IMU.
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Last read yaw (heading) of the IMU with the yaw offset.
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Last read yaw velocity of the IMU.


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open fun close()
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open fun getDeviceName(): String
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open fun getManufacturer(): HardwareDevice.Manufacturer
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open fun getRobotAngularVelocity(angleUnit: AngleUnit): AngularVelocity
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open fun getRobotOrientation(reference: AxesReference, order: AxesOrder, angleUnit: AngleUnit): Orientation
Note: This Orientation will not respect the currently set YawDomain to ensure consistency across usages of the Universal IMU Interface.
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open fun getRobotOrientationAsQuaternion(): Quaternion
Note: This Orientation will not respect the currently set YawDomain to ensure consistency across usages of the Universal IMU Interface.
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open fun getRobotYawPitchRollAngles(): YawPitchRollAngles
Note: This method will not respect the currently set YawDomain, as it may not respect the angle requirement as listed by the YawPitchRollAngles that is provided by this method.
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open fun getVersion(): Int
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Gets the current yaw domain, which is the domain this IMU is reporting yaw at.
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open fun initialize(parameters: IMU.Parameters): Boolean
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open fun resetYaw()
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open fun run()
Update the class fields and method return values with newest information from the IMU.
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open fun setYawDomain(newDomain: IMUEx.YawDomain)
Sets the domain range of what the yaw field will return.
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open fun setYawMultiplier(mul: Double)
Set a multiplicative scale that will be applied to every delta update of the IMU heading.
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open fun startThread()
open fun startThread(loopSleepDuration: Measure<Time>)
Call to delegate the manual data updating of the IMU to a thread managed by Threads.
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open fun stopThread()
Call to stop the thread started by startThread.