
A collection of BunyipsOpMode debug features intended for use in a testing environment, including a controller-based kill switch, robot pickup detection, and customisable auto-halt conditions.


Lucas Bubner, 2024




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Actions that can be executed on the event of a halting condition.


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The threshold at which whenRobotRolled will trigger for the pitch and roll angles.

Inherited properties

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protected val opMode: BunyipsOpMode


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open fun clearAction()
Clear the current action.
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open fun enable(): DebugMode
Construct a new instance of DebugMode.
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open fun getWatchdogs(): Array<Watchdog>
Get the added watchdogs via whenWatchdogExpires.
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open fun run()
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open fun when(stopCondition: BooleanSupplier, action: DebugMode.TriggerAction): DebugMode
Add a custom actionable condition.
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Utility to use a "killbind" where pressing the START and BACK buttons simultaneously on either gamepad runs the action.
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Utility to use the IMU to detect roll or pitch beyond ROBOT_PITCH_ROLL_THRESHOLD_DEGREES.
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Create a new watchdog that can be updated via index through getWatchdogs.