
Yellow pixel processor. These values may not be tuned for your specific camera, lighting, or field conditions, and are tuned based on our own testing. You may need to adjust these values to get the best results for your own robot.




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Using YCrCb colour space.


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open var LOWER_YCBCR: Scalar
Lower bounds for YCrCb
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open var MAX_AREA: Double
Default max area for detections.
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open var MIN_AREA: Double
Default min area for detections.
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Whether to show the masked input on the screen.
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open var UPPER_YCBCR: Scalar
Upper bounds for YCrCb

Inherited properties

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The thickness of the border to draw around the biggest contour.
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protected open val cameraDimensions: Size
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The colour space to use for thresholding.
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The thickness of the border to draw around all contours.
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protected val data: List<T>
List of all vision data detected since the last stateful update
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protected open var DEFAULT_MAX_AREA: Double
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protected open var DEFAULT_MIN_AREA: Double
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open var isFlipped: Boolean
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open val isRunning: Boolean


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open fun getBoxColour(): Int
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protected open fun setLower(): Scalar
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protected open fun setUpper(): Scalar
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open fun toString(): String
Unique identifier for the processor.

Inherited functions

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open fun clearData()
Manually clear the data list.
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open fun delegate(@NonNull delegateTo: Processor)
Delegate this processor to another processor.
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open fun getData(): ArrayList<T>
Get the list of vision data.
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abstract fun getFrameBitmap(p: Continuation<out Consumer<Bitmap>>)
open fun getFrameBitmap(continuation: Continuation<out Consumer<Bitmap>>)
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open fun getLower(): Scalar
Gets the lower scalar to use for thresholding.
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open fun getUpper(): Scalar
Gets the upper scalar to use for thresholding.
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abstract fun init(p: Int, p1: Int, p2: CameraCalibration)
open fun init(width: Int, height: Int, calibration: CameraCalibration)
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open fun isAttached(): Boolean
Determine whether the processor is attached to a Vision instance.
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protected open fun onAttach()
Override this method to run any additional code that will be executed when this processor is attached (via init()) by a Vision instance.
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abstract fun onDrawFrame(p: Canvas, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Any)

fun onDrawFrame(canvas: Canvas, onscreenWidth: Int, onscreenHeight: Int, scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx: Float, scaleCanvasDensity: Float, userContext: Any)
Use onFrameDraw instead, which passes a canvas.
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protected fun onFrameDraw(canvas: Canvas)
Called by the vision system to draw on the frame.
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protected fun onProcessFrame(frame: Mat, captureTimeNanos: Long)
Called by the vision system to process a frame
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protected open fun onRunning()
Override this method to run any additional code that will be executed when this processor starts streaming (via start()) on a Vision instance.
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abstract fun processFrame(p: Mat, p1: Long): Any
fun processFrame(f: Mat, captureTimeNanos: Long): Any
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open fun resetLower()
Resets the lower override, so that the lower scalar is used instead of the override.
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open fun resetUpper()
Resets the upper override, so that the upper scalar is used instead of the override.
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open fun setLower(lower: Scalar)
Forces this upper scalar to be used instead of the scalar supplied by the subclass.
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open fun setUpper(upper: Scalar)
Forces this lower scalar to be used instead of the scalar supplied by the subclass.
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protected fun update()
Called to update new data from the vision system, which involves interpreting, collecting, or otherwise processing new vision data per frame.