
A variant on java.util.HashMap<K, V> that uses primitive long ints for map keys instead of autoboxed Long objects like would be used for a Map<Long, V>.





the type of the values stored in the map


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Default constructor.


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Interface for map iterator function.


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open fun capacity(): Int
Gets the current capacity of the map.
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open fun clear()
Clears and removes all entries from the map.
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open fun containsKey(key: Long): Boolean
Checks if a key is contained in the map.
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Iterates over every key-value pair in the map and passes them to the given function.
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open fun get(key: Long): V
Gets the value associated with the given key.
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open fun isEmpty(): Boolean
Checks if the map contains any entries.
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Gets the keys contained in the map.
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open fun put(key: Long, value: V): V
Puts a value value corresponding to key key in the map.
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open fun remove(key: Long): V
Removes the value associated with the given key and returns it.
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open fun size(): Int
Gets the number of key-value pairs currently contained in the map.
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open fun values(): Collection<V>
Gets the values contained in the map.