
A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor. Units of this class are determined by the inputs to the gains. Source




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constructor(kS: Double, kV: Double, kA: Double)
Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains.
constructor(kS: Double, kV: Double)
Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains.


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open fun calculate(velocity: Double): Double
Calculates the feedforward from the gains and velocity setpoint (acceleration is assumed to be zero).
open fun calculate(velocity: Double, acceleration: Double): Double
Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints.
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open fun getA(): Double
Acceleration gain.
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Gets the current coefficients for this controller.
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open fun getS(): Double
Static gain.
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open fun getV(): Double
Velocity gain.
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open fun maxAchievableAcceleration(maxVoltage: Double, velocity: Double): Double
Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
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open fun maxAchievableVelocity(maxVoltage: Double, acceleration: Double): Double
Calculates the maximum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
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open fun minAchievableAcceleration(maxVoltage: Double, velocity: Double): Double
Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
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open fun minAchievableVelocity(maxVoltage: Double, acceleration: Double): Double
Calculates the minimum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
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open fun reset()
Reset this controller back to an un-accumulated state, if applicable.
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open fun setCoefficients(coeffs: Array<Double>)
Sets the coefficients for this controller.