Switchable Vision Sender
Utility component to switch between different feeds and processors with FtcDashboard and the DS "Camera Stream". The Driver Station usually culminates all processors into a single feed preview, and it is not very helpful to see the same feed when debugging across different processors. All processors in BunyipsLib automatically make their own feeds, and we can use this to send different processors as previews. This sender will also try and set the DS feed to the same processor as FtcDashboard, but it is more efficient to use the FtcDashboard feed for debugging -- if available.
This sender is not a traditional subsystem, as it is designed to run on another thread not a part of the main loop, similar to how Vision is handled. When started, SwitchableVisionSender will automatically manage the FtcDashboard/DS feed and processor switching, and should be interrupted automatically if used with the Threads utility at the end of a BunyipsOpMode. Ensure to manage your threads properly if not using the Threads utility/methods attached to Vision.
Lucas Bubner, 2024